Sunday, December 4, 2011

The finished product.

It is ready.

Here is once more the starting image:

And here is what I managed to do:

Photos courtesy of Pinja Sormunen

The lycra suit is made by my sister-in-law Heidi. It was quite challenging to sew, especially on the zipper area. The suit is intact - the "torn" part is an extra piece. I only have strength of 4 so the Vault Dweller in the original picture is a bit stockier.
The harness is made from mixture of surplus elements. The shoulder pad is made out of an old ice-hockey armor. 
I also "demilitarized" an old Czech bayonet to use as a knife.

The Pip-Boy 2000 is mostly mdf-board. The display is an iPod Touch with uploaded pictures. Pictures included automaps of the party venue from halloween. There is two working lights inside the structure. There is one extra missing button which got lost during the party.
The Pip-Boy logo was vectorized, then printed and painted on. The texts on the lower part are freehand. 
On the backside there is a worn off RobCo logo.

I made exchangeable clips for my gun. Both feature a bullet of 10mm AP and JHP accordingly.

The 10mm SMG is made from mdf-board, cibatool and metalpipes. The clips are exchangeable and you can push the trigger. 
I was planning to have a sound chip inside to make some noise. Also the really short stock could have been rotatable. 
The gun has a nice weight to it.

So what do you think?